Japan is an island located in east of Asia, Japan limit with Russia, China and Korea. The goverment of Japan is a monarchy parlamentary, Has an emperor "Akihito" and the same time has a prime minister "Shinzou Abe". The capital city of Japan is Tokio. The population is 127 millions. In Japan speak three mean languajes Japanese "Ainu","Ryukyuense" and "Standard Japanese". The currency in Japan is the Yen.
Japan has four seasons. The principal economic movement is the technology. The culture in Japan is very beatiful and interesting for example the architecture is dedicated to traditional temples and gardens, the traditional food is Sushi, Teriyaki,Tempura, Ramen... and the basic diet is Vegetables, Rice and Sea food. The traditional sport is the Martial Arts "Samurai" and the most practice sport is "Baseball"; and the people has many diferents costumes.